Archive | March, 2012

iUridium Source v2.0 released!

Version 2.0 of iUridium source is released and can be found on Source Code page. This update corresponds to app version update as is submitted to App Store.

Major changes introduced in this version:
* New Level Select Scene for selecting game start level (unlocked ones)
* Implemented In-App Purchase option to unlock any iUridium level
* Improved collision check
* Implemented Progress HUD layer
* Solved bugs with Manta shadow
* Minor enhancements and bug fixes

For all buyers of previous versions: update links will be sent to your email in next few days! .

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Installing Xcode 3.2.6 On Mac OS X Lion

I’ve spent lot of time dealing with it and believe me; it is not trivial at all. Just wanted to share it with you hoping it may help you saving your time.

Standard installation procedure will do it successfully, but you will be missing in Application directory. So, you need to do the following:

• Mount the Xcode 3.2.6 dmg package
• Open Terminal
• Execute the following:

      open “/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg”

The open command will launch the installer and allow you to install Xcode 3.2.6 on Lion with no package modifications.

That’s it! I hope this may help someone….

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